Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hey, Slow Driver!

But this long line of cars
Is trying to get through
And this long line of cars
Is all because of you

Yeah, you. You're driving along about ten miles an hour below the speed limit. That's OK. The road is windy and you aren't comfortable on windy roads. Maybe you don't have the greatest car in the world. A bunch of cars are piling up behind you but there's nowhere to pull over, so not much you can do about it. Anyway, here comes a passing lane. WTF? Why are you now driving 75 miles an hour? No one can pass you 'cause the passing lane just ended. Now I have to risk my life to get around you on a winding road, either on a dashed line or by just ignoring the lines and rocketing around when there is a break in the traffic.


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