Monday, April 23, 2018

In which I don't buy a Viking shield

Backing an RPG* project on Kickstarter** one option was $100 for a full color copy of the book, the cooler option was an actual hand made Viking shield. Turns out the author (reputable and with a track record of delivering) does Norse combat re-creation and makes shields.  I had thought that a full size, properly constructed shield with the d'Areci/d'Arcy/DArcy crest***, from whom my paternal grandmother is descended, might have been fun.

Hand-carved oak handle, clinched attachment, and rivets

Then I came to my senses.  Why would I need a Viking shield, even a really nice one?  Why wouldn't I pay off my truck and trailer faster and then retire or save the extra money?  As cool as this would be, I resisted (#Iresisted) the temptation to spend money on stuff and am $400 closer to doing something more with my time off.

I will, however, promote the Kickstarter.  This guy has some cool ideas for D&D 5th Edition rule variants related to combat.  You should go chip in your own $50/$100 if that's your thing.   Just don't tell me if you got a shield.  I don't need the pressure. 

*Role Playing Game

**a place where people can raise funding for projects.  NOT a place to invest in a company since that ISN'T what you are doing when you put money into a Kickstart campaign

*** I know, a Norman crest on a Viking shield.  That's not the point though.

Edit: I didn't mention here that I did actually jump in at the $100 level cause I really want the book.  Got a nice comment from the author below.  So go get it.  He's hit a couple targets and so is expanding the content to take advantage of the extra funding.


Douglas Cole said...

For what it's worth, I understand. The shields will be waiting for you.

Actually, at some point I want to start trying kite shields too, but I need to learn more about how to make them, and maybe how to bend wood.

heresolong said...

Hi Doug,

Thanks for stopping by. The internet must be fantastically efficient to have let you know so quickly that I linked to you. I am looking forward to the book (post edited to mention that I did actually choose the $100 level since I want the full color book in order to check out the alternative combat rules}. I stumbled across you on the Down with D&D podcast (I suppose I should promote them at some point too) and it was a really interesting discussion. I've just started to get back into D&D after a ten or so year hiatus and am boning up on the 5th Edition rules which I've never used before. Strictly a 2nd Edition player in all the years before that.

Douglas Cole said...

It's possible that I'm stalking the internet for mentions of Dragon Heresy or Dungeon Grappling to see if anyone's talking about the book. :-)

NotClauswitz said...

It looks big enough to double as my dining room table...

heresolong said...

The recommended size is half your height to a maximum of just under three feet. So yes, you could, and it would have the advantage of being readily available were you to be attacked during repast.