Wednesday, March 18, 2020

PS My house is cold

I am often not home.  I work a regular job, I have a business that I run on weekends, and I am just often not here.  It is a nice house when I am here though.

Today I am home.  My thermostat lowers the temperature significantly about the time I normally leave for work.  Knowing this, I programmed it back up about the time I made my second cup of coffee.  Couldn't quite figure out why I am sitting here in my office freezing to death (figuratively, of course).

Thermostat says 67°.

Don't know why I've never realized this, but on a sunny day the southern exposure front hall, where the thermostat is located, may be the warmest place in the house.  Oops.  As my mother would say, "put on a sweater".

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