Friday, June 10, 2011

Physical play in hockey

I understand it's a physical game. I played a bit in college and have been a fan for many, many years. But when does the physicality cross the line? Maybe I'm just feeling sour grapes but is it really OK for Tim Thomas to take a two handed swipe at the back of Burroughs' legs and then punch him in the face with his blocker? Is it OK for Henrik to take a stick across the back of a knee he injured during the San Jose series? Ben Eager takes a run at one of the Sedins and knocks him headfirst into the boards, no suspension. Biexa gets driven headfirst into the boards during the San Jose series, no suspension. Aaron Rome makes a stupid, dangerous hit on Nathan Horton and gets four games (five if you include the ejection), more than anyone has ever received for similar plays.

I understand that the NHL needs to crack down on hits to the head. I applaud that effort. But I don't know that during the Stanley Cup finals is the time to start making a stand, and I would love to see some consistency.

The Bruins have managed to take the Canucks completely out of their game through their physical play and I applaud them for that. They've done a good job of dictating the play. But at what point does the physical play cross the line, and at what point should the refs step in after the whistle has blown and make it clear that the behavior is unacceptable. The after the whistle cheap shots are wrong by both teams, the refs need to stop it somehow, and yes, I do believe that although the Canucks are not blameless, the Bruins are guilty of far more in this regard.

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