Monday, June 13, 2011

When Zombies Attack

Ever wonder what the statistical odds of the world surviving a zombie outbreak are? Of course you didn't. You were too busy stockpiling weapons, ammunition, and emergency rations just in case.

Well, if you have at least two each of battle rifle, shotgun, 1911 style pistol in 45ACP, and machete, at least 2,000 rounds for each type of firearm; as well as four weeks supply of high energy, freeze dried food supplies, you may wish to take some time to read this.

When Zombies Attack: Mathematical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection. This is why I love mathematics. You can take something completely useless and turn it into a highly entertaining study which has the advantage of being completely scientific. No one can read this study and argue that zombies don't really exist. It doesn't matter. Zombies are a part of the assumptions that underlie the whole paper. Thbbbbbbt to you nay sayers!

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