Monday, March 5, 2012

Blogging from Behind

Been so busy that I haven't posted anything in almost ten days. That's what working two jobs and having a death in the family will do to you, I guess. The less important things in life, like entertaining a few friends on the internet, go by the wayside.

My nephew Malcolm passed away.  He was twenty one, severe disabilities, not really supposed to make it this long, but my saint of a sister kept him in such good health that he outlived the predictions by quite a bit.  He was a wonderful kid, always laughing at stuff we couldn't see or hear, but the last two years of his life were quite painful, both for him and the family, and hopefully he is in a better place now.

It seems to be coming on for motorcycle season.  I worked Friday night, Saturday, AND Sunday this weekend.  I hate doing that but it was worth it when I got the text message from the owner RAVING about how much she liked riding her bike with the changes I made (front lowering kit and Carlini pullback ape hanger handlebars). Plus the $$ are always nice.

Thought about blogging a bunch of times but it was almost always when I was in the car.

Sandra Fluke:  What can I say?  I don't agree with Limbaugh's comments, they were over the top but seriously folks...  $1,000 a year for birth control?  Condom are what, less than a buck each?  The pill is $15 to $50 a month and Planned Parenthood gives discounts for low income (Attn: students!).  Canadian news this morning announced that Limbaugh lost another advertising account for the comments he made about a woman who testified "in favor of birth control."  Seriously, that's how they reported it.  She testified in favor of birth control.  Not "in favor of forcing a Catholic university in which she enrolled knowing full well that they wouldn't pay for it to pay for it".  And you wonder why Canadians seem to be so ignorant about what really happens down here.  I have serious issues with the fake moral outrage by the left on this anyway.  Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a "t**t" and a "c**t", Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingraham a "s**t", do a Google search for Deneen Borelli, a black female conservative and supporter of the Tea Party Movement, and the fourth result calls her a "black, teaba**ing, n*****", and the racial epithets hurled at Michelle Malkin are obscene.  President Obama has never called any of these women and the mainstream media has never gone on a crusade to restore civility in our society or get any of the above commentators fired.  Pure hypocricy. Want to read more, check out Kirsten Powers' article.

What else has happened?  Well, the Canucks are stumbling along with the second best record in hockey, winning (and losing) what must be a record number of games in overtime and shootouts.  I guess a win is a win and points is points, but I worry that when the playoffs start, all it takes is a few lucky bounces the other way and you are out.  It is just surreal that it seems like they aren't very good yet they keep beating the best teams in hockey and continue to win.  Maybe I'm just still reliving thirty years of frustration.  Oh yeah,  Versus hasn't played a damn hockey game all year.  The only time there is a hockey game on my TV is on Saturday when the Stinking Leafs play on Hockey Night in Toronto Canada. WTF?  Why did they even buy the contract this year?

Update: Not sure who has the rights.  There aren't any hockey games on.  If I want to watch hockey (and if I didn't live right by Canada) I'd have to subscribe to the NHL Network.  Who is in charge of this crap?

Speaking of WTF, one of the slogans reportedly bandied around for Obama's reelection campaign was the short lived and much made-fun-of Win The Future.  Apparently someone didn't get the memo that everyone outside of Obama's office knows what the initials stand for, and it isn't a winner in politics. LOL.

Debating internet dating.  It just feels wrong to me.  I struggle with talking to complete (female) strangers in person, how could it be better to sit and type at them.  I am bound to type something really stupid that my social filter might catch if I were sitting there.  Plus there's the whole facial expression, context thing.  Plus it just seems weird to meet people on the internet.

If I were Frank J. I would call this Random Thoughts but he beat me to the good name by several years.  Thanks, Frank.

Listening to Lake Wobegon (BY ACCIDENT, jeez, give me a break) and heard a funny one.  Where do all those blond jokes come from?  Brunette's sitting around on Saturday night.

Bye now.

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