The Elusive Wapiti, over at The Elusive Wapiti blogspot, shut down his operations almost a year ago. His last post was on November 12 of last year (2014) in which he announced that he was moving on to other projects and would no longer be entertaining us with his musings. He was and continues to be missed as his writings were entertaining.
He continues to live, however, in ways even he might not have expected.
I generally don't check my blog stats. Mainly because I don't care that much. I hope that those who do wander by enjoy something I've written, might be nice if they told their friends about this mildly entertaining (if sparsely populated) blog that they found. I don't make any money off it and post mainly to keep those who have wandered by entertained (if I don't post for a while I start to feel guilty). I do, however, look at my stats about once a year or so just to see what is going on.
Over the past month The Elusive Wapiti has been responsible for almost 40% of my traffic and this number is consistent over the past week as well. All time, it appears that about one fourth of my traffic has come from his blog, a blog that hasn't even been posted on for a year. Either people are still finding and reading his old posts or his former readers are using his old blog as a link library.
Elusive Wapiti, if you are still out there and reading this, maybe it's time to come back. You seem to have a following.
The Wapiti is still around. Elusive, of course.
Like others, I still use his site as a jump-off, and a filter.
I use his blog almost every day for the link bot. Still one of the best.
What is a "Wapiti"?
Eric @2:28
An elk.
Even the blog I shut down in still getting hits from that shut down blog. (was New Rebellion University, and before that it was Rebellion university, and before that it was Rocinante's burdens -- I can't seem to hold a blog).
Now at
Hale, Yes, we noticed. I've never heard of Rocinante's Burdens but I read you at RU, then at NRU (after a suitable period where I couldn't find you), then at GV (after a suitable period where I couldn't find you). If you decide to move again, please let me know and I'll publicize it (kidding since I assume a desire for lack of publicity is why you moved (other than the time Google deleted your old blog)).
Anyway, thanks for stopping by.
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