Thursday, March 19, 2020

Norm MacDonald and problems with Blogger

Norm MacDonald talks about coronavirus, proving that you can joke about virtually anything.

Meanwhile Blogger is inserting the Amazon book links from my post about things to do during the shut down.  So I am having to delete my last posts and start them over.  Hopefully that will work.

And it didn't.  So, if you are here because you are interested in watching Norm MacDonald, you'll have to go to youtube and search for "norm macdonald coronavirus".  Otherwise, feel free to buy another copy of the Narnia Chronicles, because that, apparently, is what Blogger REALLY wants you to see.

Oh, and on the previous post, those were supposed to be videos by Def Leppard, Hysteria and Love Bites respectively.  So go search for those too.   I guess they don't want you to have quick and convenient entertainment.  Sorry.

Update: Apparently the problem is Firefox.  Open in Chrome and the links work fine.

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