Thursday, March 6, 2025

ABE Books: A review

Short version: Not happy!

Longer version: I bought three books from ABE Books, which has, for some years, been a subsidiary of Amazon.  One of the books arrived with multiple pages cut out of the book.  It looked like a kid had wanted paper animals shapes, perhaps with printed letters covering them, perhaps for an art project, and had taken a razor blade to the inside of the book.  I was in no rush to get the books as they are a present for a friend's children, so filed a return request.  For a $7 book they insisted that I mail it back, rather than just provide pictures of the damage.  So I did. At a cost of $4.63, at which point they promptly refunded me my $7.

So I had to pay $4.63 to get ... nothing.

1/5 Stars for checking their product to make sure it is acceptable before shipping
1/5 Stars for making their customers incur costs to fix their own mistakes.
1/5 Stars for the lack of response to my complaint (no return email to even acknowledge that I am unhappy)

Recommendation: Avoid

Oh, and their website does not have any provision for rating your experience, so that should tell you something.

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