Friday, November 2, 2018

Repeat a lie often enough

Wrote this a while ago and then it sat here as a draft.  I was going to write more but the hell with it.  Here it is.

From CNN:

the need for parents and their kids to stay in touch in these uncertain times -- especially in the US with frequent school shootings -- make all-school-day bans intolerable.

From NPR: Education Department errs badly on numbers of school shootings

From the FBI: Only 39 shootings in an "educational environment" between 2000 and 2013.

From Wikipedia: 42 school "massacres" going back to the 60s.  To the writers at Wikipedia, apparently a "massacre" includes anything where two or more people die.  What is not clear is if their death toll counts include the shooter if he was killed or committed suicide.  Many anti-gun websites include the dead shooter to make the death toll seem worse.  If you don't count two dead as a massacre, the total is  30, less than one a year.

While it is pretty horrific that sick people shoot up defenseless children at a school, it is also safe to say that 30 actual school shootings in fifty years is not really "frequent".  CNN wants you to think it is, however, as it advances their agenda to curtail the Second Amendment.

The reality is that we don't have "frequent" school shootings and the number is not on the rise.

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